On a lighter note, we have been having a bit-o-fun around here! Rawly loves the snow--so much in fact, that he doesn't want to wear his mittens and begins to cry when his fingers go numb (I guess that doesn't really sound like fun) he's enjoyed running around in the "snowmen" (that's what he called the snow at first), we're still looking to go sledding once it warms up a bit. This weekend we also went swimming in our friends' pool--which was supposedly 80F, but felt SOOO much colder. Rawly did a great job on the kick board, swam from me to swim coach Auntie Holly, and even put his face down in the water once (accidentally, while trying to head-butt a ball!)
Rawly has also been quite the little helper. He mostly helps when asked, and oftentimes without being asked. Such as last weekend when he decided that we should be awake around 6:30 am. (Side note, friend pointed out that he's probably getting his 2 y.o. molars since he's been uncommonly gnawing on his fingers--sure enough he's in various stages of getting all four at once, which may account for his early waking sometimes around 5 or 5:30 and his less than chipper demeanor.) Anyway, he carried the laptop from the living room into our room so that he could watch "cars" (Sesame St.'s Let's go driving song). His second attempt a few days later wasn't so successful, and I don't have any pictures that I can add right now because on his third encounter, he accidentally ran into the cord and knocked the computer off the TV. The cord is magnetic to avoid problems like this, but he caught it just so that it came crashing down and landed on the connection breaking some of the magnetic pieces...we'll have it all together some day!
Ta ta for now...
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