Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bricks and mortar make a house, but the laughter of children make a home. Irish Proverb

This is a snapshot, or mental video frame of our evening today.  Hope you enjoy.

I arrive home to this:

Rawly in his makeshift highchair/swing with his eating smock on and dinner ready on the stove!

As the evening continued I couldn't help but sit back and watch in sheer bliss; Ken had Rawly squealing for hours as they played hide and seek, peek-a-boo, kaboom, pretend sneeze attacks, and wrestled.  When I looked at my watch, I couldn't believe that it was already time for PJs and a bedtime story.  A little later we sat down to read Good Night Moon. Rawly reached out and touched the kittens when he saw them (in Greece, he fell in love with all the stray cats!), then later when the book was saying good night to the "gatitos" (as we call them), he leaned down and gave them a kiss.

Thus far, this has been the best night of my life!


  1. So happy for you all! Enjoy those fun, special moments.

  2. Oh, I love it! Cherishing those moments is the best! But maybe you should live closer so Rawley & Parker can be friends! He likes cats too! :)
