Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My silly quirks

I like numbers. Generally odd numbers; except for today’s date. Today is grandma’s birthday. I know that she has passed on, but it’s still a happy day in my heart. From the time I was a little girl, I’ve enjoyed the day. With Grandma living in California, I never actually spent the day with her. But, I remember seeing her charm bracelet when I was nine or ten and ever since then this day two days after Valentine’s Day has been special.

Speaking of the grandmotherly type…this morning on my way in, I was accosted by BG (Galina has a similar stature to my grandmother for those of you who loved her, you know what I mean.) Anyway, BG looked at me in that “tisk, tisk” sort of way and said, “You have to keep your breasts warm. What is this open jacket? And…wet hair? Ahh, where is your mother? She would get you right (as she swatted my backside.J)” I think that this must have something to do with another Ukrainian superstition that if a girl sits on concrete without a cotton barrier for warmth her ovaries will freeze. While I was pregnant I sat on cement steps, benches, water fountains just to prove my point—am I ornery or what?

That song, “Only in America!” keeps ringing through my head, but instead I sing, only the elderly—honestly who else could get away with that? Luckily, I find the whole situation quite humorous!

In my defense, we walk only 300 yards from our apartment to the school (some days Ken doesn’t even wear a coat, but I guess his milk isn’t going to freeze!) It’s just under freezing today, but our apartment is SOOO hot from the radiators, as is my classroom. So I enjoy the brisk jaunt. It makes me feel alive! Since my ovaries never froze, as far as I can tell, the milk will keep flowing whether or not I zip my jacket.


  1. Hi Chapmans,

    We love the pictures of Rawley and the thoughts about Mom. Those charms did hold lots of stories...wonder if TA got the braclet...I hope someone did!!!

    Sounds like your lives are full of challenges. Are you guys sure you are staying another year...I have a Spansih position and a math/science position at my high school...I thought of you when I saw the retirement letter from the Spanish teacher. If you change your mind let me know...you can apply through a site called "EDZAP"...no promises, but I can get you into an interview...LOL, Larry & Milli
