Well rested from our break and ready for the distraction and busyness of school, we were informed over the last weekend of break that we wouldn't be returning to work as we knew it. The Ukrainian Prime Minister announced that due to the H1N1 epidemic, all schools and public meetings would be canceled for three weeks. The staff reported back to school on Monday and the administration outlined what the next three weeks would look like. From four year olds to advanced physics—we would all be creating on-line units. It's working out alright so far. Not to be pessimistic, but I'm not sure of the integrity of the whole endeavor—after all, kids will be kids. Still—we have no complaints and have been very grateful for this time! 
Overall, it's been a blessing. I've been able to kick my feet up, literally, and do all my work from home. We've really been hoping that Rawly would come soon so that Ken could spend more time home with him. Every day we tell him that it's time to come out and play. He's not listening. We're hoping that this isn't too much of a forewarning of how stubborn he will always be!
Overall, it's been a blessing. I've been able to kick my feet up, literally, and do all my work from home. We've really been hoping that Rawly would come soon so that Ken could spend more time home with him. Every day we tell him that it's time to come out and play. He's not listening. We're hoping that this isn't too much of a forewarning of how stubborn he will always be!
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