First stop: Budapest...Rawly's highlight was that a garbage truck came down our street every morning (yep, it was our wake up call our entire week, 6:30 am!)
...Guess I never posted this since I decided to upload a bunch of pictures to FB instead...
Hands down, Budapest has been our favorite city travel destination in Europe. We went a little hog wild at the Christmas Markets, ate amazing Mexican food a couple of times (how I miss you horchata) and enjoyed all the kid friendly parks and places like the zoo.
After a week in Budapest, we trained (beats the pants off flying when you have an active two year old!) to Vienna to visit some good friends and fellow NNU grads who did YoungLife with us back in Caldwell. We had a fun week getting out and about to a couple of the palaces. One of our favorite journeys was an afternoon stroll from the nearby countryside down into Vienna. It was that perfect time of day when the sun is about to set and everything has a honey glow to it. I only wish that I had realized just how perfect it was and taken a few more pictures! Another highlight was the ever tasty visit to the chocolate factory, hip hip hurray for taste testing.
Unfortunately after our traveling ended, everyone except Rawly came down with a 36 hour bug. Poor little Z had come down with bronchitis right before we left, so she was on antibiotics our first week, and then again with this bug.