Saturday, October 29, 2011

Miss Zoya Grace--Day one

With warm hearts and open arms, we welcomed Zoya into our family on Wednesday, October 19, 2011.  Both grandmas were able to attend the birth, thanks to Ken's insistence.

Ready to "Shut up and Push it" (thank you Salt-n-Peppa)

Gigi and Mimi were just thrilled to see their newest granddaughter

What bliss

Kisses from Rawly for Mom and Zoya

Our family of four

The family all together
First visitors
Uncle Sam was the first person (aside from us) to hold Rawly when he was a newborn.

 Wave two of friends
Some of the Kyiv International School babies born at the ISIDA Clinic since Rawly.

Thanks for celebrating her birth with us--we are so blessed by this community!

Ken has affectionately coined her~our little petal.  Rawly is transitioning well from only child to his new role as big brother.  He's quite the helper, finding diapers as soon as she's "stinty", covering her with blinties, showering her with kisses, and even playing the ridiculously annoying music from her swing over and over when he thinks she needs it.  Isn't life grand?

Thanks to all of you of you well-wishers, your care and prayers mean so much to us!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's grandma-time!

Here's what we did with the grandmas leading's up to Zoya's birth...

40 weeks and ready!
We wasted no time getting the grandmas involved.  On their second night here they watched Rawly so that Dad and Mom could go out on a date, but not even spicy Thai food could convince the little one that she should come and play with us!

Visiting the doctor 40 1/2 weeks
Touring downtown

Piecing together puzzles with Gigi

Visiting with friends at ICA (church)

Walking down Andrivsky's Decent

Looking at the '''bid" horse statue with Mimi

Snuggling with Mom and Bibi (Baby)

Visiting St. Sophia's and the Virgin Mary egg mural which is simply remarkable!
Sunset from the square at St. Sophia's
Bees knees in the back seat

Walking through Nyvki Park

Riding in the car with his new "shjocker" ball

Thursday, October 13, 2011

No news is good news, right?

After church a couple weekends a go--almost 39 weeks
The grandmas arrived on Friday, October 7th, jet-lagged, but ready to welcome their soon-to-be granddaughter into the world.  Unfortunately for us, our little bundle of joy is taking her sweet time contrary to all our efforts--spicy food, lunges, at least a set of stairs (ten flights or more.)  As I sit here typing, she's swaying from side to side, kicking a foot here and there, but the movement we're wanting isn't coming...I'm only two days overdue, but I don't feel anything like I felt in the weeks preceding Rawly's birth--granted, he was a good two pounds heavier (though at this rate, she might just catch up with him.)  I'm off to the doctor tomorrow, so we'll see what he has to say.  Both grandmas are starting to get anxious (and probably apartment stir crazy as well.)  They're getting the hang of things around here, picking up a few words and phrases, braving the stores, and even reading the Cyrillic alphabet (well kind of!)  Rawly appears to be ready too, at night he makes sure we pray for "bibi", his baby sister and gives her a goodnight hug or kiss!

*Update, we went to the doctor Friday, everything is still good...just waiting and trying to be patient.  Last night our power went out, so I walked the stairs with a flashlight.  Down ten flights, up fifteen.  As I mounted last step, my flashlight went out, so walking back down to floor ten was a bit interesting, but I made it.