First of all--it's sunny once again in Kyiv! The spring sunshine has brought a much welcomed and brightened demeanor to all the passersby who were milling around this afternoon. Rawly had his four month check up this morning: 44.5 cm head circumference, 8.36 Kilos, 68 cm.
Ken and I were sitting waiting for some friends to come out of the Embassy. As it is there are long lines of Ukrainians outside of the gates who are trying to get VISAS to come to the US. Prior to today, my thought had always been--phew, I'm lucky we don't have to stand in that line. How narrow minded I was. All of a sudden as we were sitting there this group of three or four people started running down the road jumping and shouting "Visa, visa, visa!!!" (I'm getting tears recalling the encounter even now as I type.) The young woman inside the gates was proudly displaying her approved paperwork (inside a plastic sleeve of course *see former blogs for reference.) We get so wrapped up in the me, me, me that I forget about the basic liberties that we Americans take for granted. Besides Cuba, we can pretty much go anywhere our money can take us. It really makes the griping about not having drawers in my kitchen seem pretty vain in comparison. We really have nothing to complain about. I do give thanks to the Lord for our family, our safety, and our shelter.
On another note (quite literally) I'm attaching two videos, the first is of us coming across a filming of a musical group dressed in traditional Ukrainian clothing and singing in front of one of the many beautiful Eastern Orthodox churches, Saint Michael's. The next is of Rawly playing the piano for the first time. Well, it's taking a while to upload, so I'll save Rawly's piano playing for another day.